Human Touch: Why Certified Interpreters Trump Automated Solutions

[Guest post]

In the ever-evolving landscape of communication where borders are increasingly becoming blurred, the need for effective language interpretation has never been more critical. While technology has made remarkable strides in automated translation solutions, there remains an undeniable truth: human touch, particularly in the form of certified interpreters, holds unparalleled value. Join us as we explore why, in the realm of language interpretation, the skills, empathy, and cultural understanding of certified interpreters continue to outshine automated alternatives.    

Navigating Nuances Beyond Words:

Language is not just a string of words, but a living, breathing entity imbued with cultural nuances, emotions, and context. Certified interpreters possess the ability to navigate these intricate layers, going beyond literal translations to capture the essence of communication. Automated solutions, while effective, often struggle to grasp the subtleties of human expression, leading to potential misunderstandings and misinterpretations.

Cultural Sensitivity and Contextual Understanding:

Certified interpreters are trained not just in languages but also in cultural dynamics. They understand the importance of context, cultural nuances, and the impact of non-verbal cues. In contrast, automated solutions lack the depth of cultural insight required for accurate interpretation, potentially leading to miscommunication in sensitive situations such as legal proceedings, healthcare consultations, or international business negotiations.

The Art of Active Listening:

Effective communication is a two-way street, and skilled interpreters excel not only in translating words, but also in active listening. They pick up on tone, emotions, and unspoken cues, ensuring a more comprehensive and accurate interpretation. The human touch in active listening is a nuanced skill that contributes significantly to successful communication, fostering understanding and building trust.

Adaptability in Dynamic Situations:

Language interpretation often occurs in dynamic, fast-paced environments where quick thinking and adaptability are crucial. Certified interpreters bring a level of agility that automated solutions struggle to match. Whether navigating technical jargon, legal terminology, or emotional conversations, human interpreters can adjust their approach in real-time, ensuring seamless communication in various scenarios.

Preserving Privacy and Confidentiality:

Certain interactions require a high degree of privacy and confidentiality, such as legal consultations or medical appointments. Certified interpreters adhere to strict ethical standards and confidentiality protocols, providing a level of trust that automated solutions may struggle to guarantee. Human interpreters prioritize the protection of sensitive information, creating a secure environment for communication.

Holistic Approach to Communication:

Interpreting goes beyond mere language conversion; it involves understanding the cultural context, emotions, and intentions behind the words. Certified interpreters adopt a holistic approach, recognizing the humanity in communication. Automated solutions, lacking emotional intelligence, may miss crucial nuances, resulting in a transactional rather than relational communication experience.

The Ethical Dimension:

Certified interpreters operate within a framework of professional ethics, including impartiality, accuracy, and cultural sensitivity. They navigate ethical dilemmas with finesse, ensuring fair and unbiased interpretation. In contrast, automated solutions lack the moral compass and discernment required for ethical decision-making in nuanced situations.

Conclusion: The Irreplaceable Human Element in Interpretation

While technology continues to reshape the way we communicate, human touch remains irreplaceable in the realm of language interpretation. Certified interpreters bring not just linguistic proficiency but also empathy, cultural understanding, and adaptability to the table. In critical situations where effective communication is paramount, the art of interpretation thrives in the hands of certified professionals. As we navigate the future, it’s clear that while technology can enhance efficiency, the human touch in interpretation will continue to be a beacon guiding us through the complexities of global communication.


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Horoscope for translators and interpreters: Capricorn

Interpreters and trasnlator' zodiac signs
Traits of Capricorn translators and interpreters

Capricorn (December 22nd – January 20th)

Although being a workaholic is a pattern among all translators and interpreters, no matter their zodiac sign, Capricorns may be at the top of the workaholic ladder. They find it hard to take some time off. They are obsessed with success and status.

Capricorn translator: You are extremely hard-working, and you never give up. You are clear-eyed, perceptive, down-to-earth. You may come across as a little pessimistic, but rather you are realistic. You are not afraid of turning down jobs with tight deadlines. You don’t have time to play around. You are practical and usually take a hands-on approach to work.

Capricorn interpreter: You have a clear understanding of reality. You are practical and down to earth. You are ready to tackle what life throws at you, so you are not afraid of the challenges live interpreting comprises. You are perfect for the job because you deliver, and always look smart, attractive, put-together, and trendy. You have an appetite for money, status, and rewards. 

Are you a Capricorn translator or interpreter? Do you know one? Buy and send this card to your colleagues to recognize their unique traits.

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Purchase code: Capricorn

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Horoscope for translators and interpreters: Leo

Leo translators and interpreters
Horoscope for translators and interpreters

Horoscope for translators and interpreters

Leo (July 23rd – August 22nd)

They love being the center of the universe, and work hard for it! They are usually charming, welcoming, warm, funny, protective, and great company. Likewise, they are natural leaders and tend to assume a boss-like stance. 

Leo translator: You are a really hard-working person. You take each project very seriously and pour your energy and enthusiasm into completing the task flawlessly, and on time. You are obsessed with details and proofread your translation many more times than necessary.  When working in groups, you feel comfortable taking the lead and making sure communication runs smoothly among team members. You always give your best and expect the best from others. You love receiving compliments and praise for your work. You feed yourself from flattery and praise. On the contrary, you don’t take criticism too well. You are hard on yourself when it comes to letting go of errors.

Leo interpreter: You are a social beast. You enjoy crowds and being in the spotlight. You are confident, bright, and sexy. You feel comfortable owning the stage. Your desire for attention makes you an outstanding interpreter. You know that you will keep at it until your audience surrenders to your communicative skills. You are one of the greatest multitaskers, and your client’s satisfaction is your only drive. You are tireless, always keeping in a good mood until the show is over. You will never show your weaknesses or flaws. Likewise, you aim for excellence and expect recognition. You seek flattery and praise everywhere you can. You love your job and find it hard to say no, even if it means having your life turned upside down.

PS: Guess who is a Leo 🙂

Are you a Leo translator or interpreter? Do you know one? Buy this card or send it to your colleagues as a way of recognizing their unique traits. Don’t forget, they love to receive compliments, so… what are you waiting for?

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Purchase code: Leo

These cards are customizable (your name and logo and be added), so you can use them as a marketing tool to promote your services for the upcoming year and share your love while doing so.

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Podcasts for interpreters: The Complete Interpreter by Sophie Llewellyn Smith

Resources for interpreters
Tools for interpreters: podcasts

The Complete Interpreter by Sophie Llewellyn Smith is a podcast to help spoken language conference or public service interpreters stand out in a competitive market by improving their skills, mindset, and marketing.

The different episodes of the podcast include tips for avoiding procrastination, being concise in simultaneous interpretation, refreshing simultaneous interpreting skills, co-working, and improving your performance in the booth.

Check out this fantastic resource here.

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Christmas card for interpreters

Christmas tree with good desires for interpreters
Seasons’ greetings for interpreters, 2023

Season’s greetings for interpreters. Christmas tree 2023

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Purchase code XMTI 2023

It’s that time of the year again when we start sharing love and good vibes for the holidays and the upcoming year. Here’s a Christmas tree for interpreters you can send to your clients and friends to wish them a merry Christmas and remind them you are willing to keep working with them in 2023.

Not only can this Christmas help you share your best wishes, but also act as a marketing tool for your business to promote your services for the upcoming year.

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Purchase code XMTI 2023

If you like translator fun, you can become a sponsor in 2023,

Why are interpreters the best of friends?

Interpreters pay close attention
Interpreters pay close attention to what speakers say.
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Purchase code BFF2022

Listening is the first step in the actual interpreting process. The interpreter must hear and understand what the speaker is saying to deliver the equivalent message in the target language. So, the first question you should ask yourself if you consider interpreting as a professional career would be, “Am I a good listener?”.

Being a good listener is not an easy task. It is not just about understanding the actual words, but rather the idea the speaker is trying to convey. This cartoon is a fun way to highlight the many superpowers that, in my opinion, interpreters have. I’m in awe every time I see them in action, and having the opportunity to do that for a living is just a dream come true.

If you admire your fellow interpreters or your interpreting service provider, send them this cartoon to let them know.

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Purchase code BFF2022

If you need interpreters for your upcoming conference, meeting, or workshop, contact @tiendadeingles on Instagram or email tiendadeingles @

Happy New Year 2022 card

New Year's card for translators and interpreters
Happy New Year card 2022

December is a very special month as we often use it to take stock of what the past year has been like and make new resolutions for the upcoming year. It is also the month when we take some time to reach out and send our best wishes to your loved ones.

Here’s the updated version of the Happy New Year card 2022 for translators and interpreters. A good way to stay close and remind others you’ll be open for business in 2022.

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Purchase code NY 2022

Once payment is received, the card without watermarks will be sent to the email address you entered at the time of the purchase. All cards can be customized (your name can be added). If you are a company, your logo can be included.

Holiday cards for interpreters 2022

Holiday season card for interpreters
Holiday cards for interpreters 2022
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Purchase code XMASI 2022

The holiday season is here and it’s time to send your best wishes to your clients and colleagues. This Christmas tree card for interpreters is the best way to wish the best for the new year to come and also serves as a marketing business reminder that you are ready and available to take on work in 2022.

Stay tuned for the Xmas tree card for translators 2022.

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Purchase code XMASI 2022

To purchase one of these cards simply click the “buy now” button and follow the purchase process. Don’t forget to enter the purchase code in the comment section and/or send an email to translatorfun @ to indicate the purchase code or title of the card you’ve just purchased.

Once payment is received, the card without watermarks will be sent to the email address you entered at the time of the purchase. All cards can be customized (your name can be added). If you are a company, your logo can be included.

Tools for interpreters: Numerizer

tools for interpreters
Get your numbers right with numerizer

When searching for material to practice big numbers for my interpreting training, I came across a fairly useful site called numerizer created by Anton Klevansky, who is a professional Russian conference interpreter member of AIIC. According to the the tool’s creator:

“Numerizer was designed for (future) interpreters and language learners by a professional interpreter with the aim of providing an unlimited source of challenging exercises, such as: jotting down every number in a sequence; shadowing (repeating after the speaker, first being just one number behind the original, then progressively trying to lag further behind); simultaneous or consecutive interpreting.”

Numerizer 1.0.2 beta has features that enable you to choose from several languages and accents, select the pace at which you would like to hear the rendering and set the amount of numbers to generate as well as the minimum and the maximum values.

The languages included are English US, English UK, German, French, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Chinese (Mandarin), and Chinese (Cantonese).

Note: there seems to be a glitch that does not allow you to set a minimum to a number smaller than 10 000 or a maximum over 999 999 999.

I hope you find this tool useful and have fun with your practice.

Happy interpreting!

Thank you cards to send to clients

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See purchase codes below

Now, you have no excuses for not thanking your clients and reminding them you are open for business in 2021. Pick one of these cards to add as the signature in your emails or send them directly to your clients to show your appreciation and welcome the new year with renewed hope.

To purchase one of these cards simply click the “buy now” button and follow the purchase process. Don’t forget to enter the purchase code in the comment section and/or send an email to translatorfun @ to indicate the purchase code or title of the card you’ve just purchased.

Once payment is received, the card without watermarks will be sent to the email address you entered at the time of the purchase. All cards can be customized (your name can be added). If you are a translation agency, your logo can be included in any of the cards.

Purchase codes of the cards above:

“completing more Interpreting projects” CODE: LIFP1

“thank you for you and your referrals” CODE: TYR1

“good communication, reasonable deadlines…” CODE: TYRD5

“getting your message across” CODE: JOYMA1

“I always have time for you” CODE: TIMER1

“completing more translation assignments” CODE: LFTA1