Horoscope for translators and interpreters: Capricorn

Interpreters and trasnlator' zodiac signs
Traits of Capricorn translators and interpreters

Capricorn (December 22nd – January 20th)

Although being a workaholic is a pattern among all translators and interpreters, no matter their zodiac sign, Capricorns may be at the top of the workaholic ladder. They find it hard to take some time off. They are obsessed with success and status.

Capricorn translator: You are extremely hard-working, and you never give up. You are clear-eyed, perceptive, down-to-earth. You may come across as a little pessimistic, but rather you are realistic. You are not afraid of turning down jobs with tight deadlines. You don’t have time to play around. You are practical and usually take a hands-on approach to work.

Capricorn interpreter: You have a clear understanding of reality. You are practical and down to earth. You are ready to tackle what life throws at you, so you are not afraid of the challenges live interpreting comprises. You are perfect for the job because you deliver, and always look smart, attractive, put-together, and trendy. You have an appetite for money, status, and rewards. 

Are you a Capricorn translator or interpreter? Do you know one? Buy and send this card to your colleagues to recognize their unique traits.

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