Horoscope for translators and interpreters: Leo

Leo translators and interpreters
Horoscope for translators and interpreters

Horoscope for translators and interpreters

Leo (July 23rd – August 22nd)

They love being the center of the universe, and work hard for it! They are usually charming, welcoming, warm, funny, protective, and great company. Likewise, they are natural leaders and tend to assume a boss-like stance. 

Leo translator: You are a really hard-working person. You take each project very seriously and pour your energy and enthusiasm into completing the task flawlessly, and on time. You are obsessed with details and proofread your translation many more times than necessary.  When working in groups, you feel comfortable taking the lead and making sure communication runs smoothly among team members. You always give your best and expect the best from others. You love receiving compliments and praise for your work. You feed yourself from flattery and praise. On the contrary, you don’t take criticism too well. You are hard on yourself when it comes to letting go of errors.

Leo interpreter: You are a social beast. You enjoy crowds and being in the spotlight. You are confident, bright, and sexy. You feel comfortable owning the stage. Your desire for attention makes you an outstanding interpreter. You know that you will keep at it until your audience surrenders to your communicative skills. You are one of the greatest multitaskers, and your client’s satisfaction is your only drive. You are tireless, always keeping in a good mood until the show is over. You will never show your weaknesses or flaws. Likewise, you aim for excellence and expect recognition. You seek flattery and praise everywhere you can. You love your job and find it hard to say no, even if it means having your life turned upside down.

PS: Guess who is a Leo 🙂

Are you a Leo translator or interpreter? Do you know one? Buy this card or send it to your colleagues as a way of recognizing their unique traits. Don’t forget, they love to receive compliments, so… what are you waiting for?

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